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Response to a Critic of A Declaration and Constitution for a Free Society

I recently had a paper published in the International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science, and Humanities.  The article is a response to a review of my book, A Declaration and Constitution for a Free Society, published in the fall 2021 issue of American Political Thought and written by Scott Douglas Gerber.  Gerber’s review was not a serious or honest attempt to review the book.  I demonstrate this in my response and help readers understand not only the content of the book but the nature of individual rights and freedom.

One issue I address that was raised by Gerber in his review is the effect of regulation on the U.S. economy.  Gerber embraces the idea in his review that the U.S. economy will collapse if the ability of Congress to regulate the economy through the Commerce Clause is eliminated.  I discuss why this is not true and refer the reader to other sources for a complete argument on the topic.  I also address issues, raised by Gerber, pertaining to the age at which one should be eligible to run for president of the United States, the tax system, and God and the Declaration of Independence.  See my response here.

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